
Featured Products

Limited quantities of these seasonal products are available.

Mugwort Set


Skin Care

I’ve always made my own skin care products. I was the girl in 7th grade who clogged the drain with oatmeal from a homemade mask. Whether it's facial oil, sunscreen, toner, or some other skin care concoction you care be sure that I’m making and testing the products I offer.




Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts made by soaking plant material (leaves, stems, barks, or roots) in alcohol for four to six weeks to extract the medicinal benefits of the plant into a stable solution. All of my tinctures are alcohol-based. I find that alcohol is most effective in extracting the full potential of the plant. These tinctures can be diluted in a glass of water if you prefer that to dropping directly into your mouth.

©2024 Herban Collective  [email protected]